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Chooseday Ep 21: Choose Imperfection - August 9th 2022

Writer: GoodCompany Team GoodCompany Team

Updated: Sep 27, 2022

Good Morning my friend,

Thanks for choosing to start your Tuesday with a Chooseday mindset.

We've got GOOD News! - Most people don't expect you to be perfect. The not so good news - You probably expect yourself to be perfect most of the time. Picture this: You have a project or something important to complete and you have the best intentions to make it successful. Then the more you think about it, the more you begin to dread doing it because you're afraid that the outcome might fall short of expectations. This scenario is what some experts call "Analysis Paralysis" - when we overthink decisions and alternatives which can hold us back. This usually happens when we want things to be perfect (in our eyes) but it can backfire on our productivity. A LexisNexis survey found that staff members will spend approximately more than 50% of their workday receiving and organising data rather than using it to complete their work. Of course, we should always give worthwhile things our best shot, or as Nike says - Just Do It! So, if you managed half of that 45 minute workout or got started on the first few pages of the report - that's great! You've already started the positive momentum. When we start doing something, it inadvertently promotes more productivity - we're in "The Zone" and most of the time, we enjoy the process. Don't let your perfectionist thinking deter you from helping others Some people like the idea of Skilled Volunteering but fear that they might not be the perfect fit for the role. That their design or accounting skills may not ‘make the grade’. This self-doubt may rob both you and the charity from some incredible and impactful experiences. So please check out some skilled roles and if you are a charity, don't be afraid to list your needs. Our best attempt isn't perfection - it's our best effort. Sometimes, that's good enough!

... Happy (Imperfectly Perfect) Chooseday!

Of course, it's important to highlight that we sometimes find ourselves pursuing perfection because we don't have a choice or it's expected of us. The key is that we keep our expectations in check and know our self-worth, regardless of the outcome.


This Chooseday, we also choose to highlight some key international observance days

International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples (Today)

This special observances day aims to raise awareness of the needs of indigenous peoples globally. Did you know that indigenous peoples are nearly 3 times more likely to be living in extreme poverty compared to their non-indigenous counterparts? Here are the various causes that are helping these communities

in need.

National Stroke Week (Aug 8 - 14)

National Stroke Week raises awareness of stroke which is Australia's second single greatest killer, with over 60,000 strokes occurring every year. For more than 20 years, The Stroke Foundation has worked to reduce the impact of stroke on the Australian community. The organisation's mission is to stop stroke, save lives and end suffering.

International Youth Day (Aug 12)

The objective of International Youth Day is driven by this year's theme (Intergenerational solidarity) - Creating a World for All Ages. The message is that action is needed across all generations to achieve the SDGs and leave no one behind. Learn more about how some charities are contributing towards a better future and inspiring the youth who will be leaders of tomorrow.


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Workplace Giving Program - Quick Links


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